About Pinemelon.com

Pinemelon.com is a new kind of grocer, offering the friendly, hands-on service of your favorite local shops with the straight-to-your-doorstep convenience of online shopping. From product sourcing to home delivery, our Denver-based team personally handles every step in the food chain to provide consistent quality you can trust.

How We Got Here

A few large corporations serve as the middlemen for the majority of our food chain. Their goal is infinite growth and profits—not partnering with farmers and consumers to source and deliver the best products at fair prices. Pinemelon.com was created to close these gaps in the supply chain, addressing the shared interests of both producers and everyday shoppers.

We believe that the adage “you are what you eat” still holds true, and we want to be a company that, first and foremost, supports farmers and value-driven food brands. We believe that by creating an e-commerce grocery that empowers independent producers (while still selling the mainstream basics you depend on), we can create a more sustainable food system with better outcomes for local businesses, our health and the future of our planet.

Of course, we can’t do it alone. Each time you choose to shop with Pinemelon.com, you play a key role in fulfilling this mission—by choosing to support more local producers, by “carpooling” your grocery delivery with other shoppers and by reducing the unnecessary food waste created by traditional in-person grocery displays.

One by one, we’re building a movement of optimistic food advocates who believe that convenience and sustainability, local specialties and everyday staples, e-commerce and ethics, can exist side-by-side. Thank you for joining us on the journey!

What is a pinemelon?

A pinemelon is a distant cousin of the modern watermelon. It’s a type of citron melon that grows naturally in the wild, yet is known for being especially hard to find. If you’re lucky enough to find it, you’re in for a real treat!