Pinemelon Logo

Groceries from 200+ Colorado Farmers and Makers delivered right to your door.

PineMelon is a next-generation online marketplace platform based in Denver, Colorado. We partner with local farmers, ranchers and producers, and deliver the best products at fair prices.

Alex Lee Photo

If we want a healthy, sustainable food system, we should support local farming and independent producers. That’s what we do.”

Alexey Lee, CEO, says in manifesto

We're a modern marketplace

Farmers determine the assortment and retail price. PineMelon collects 15% for fulfillment, last mile delivery and card processing services.

Customers can follow their favorite farms and producers, buying food and other items directly from them, reinforcing our commitment to building a community around a true marketplace.

App ScreenshotApp Screenshot

What makes us different

Our way to make customers happy
Straight from the farm

We work directly with Colorado farmers and producers

Affordable pricing

Local products are sold at minimal margin

Free delivery*
on first and future
orders over $60
Sustainable packaging

Returnable totes, recyclable 
paper bags, no plastic

6,000+ products available

at fully-stocked warehouse in central Denver

Membership benefits

Exclusive discounts (save over $600 a year) and invites to members-only events

Free delivery on all orders $60+
The food that isn’t sold is donated to We Don’t Waste and Denver Food Rescue
Grocery bag

Our track record

In Kazakhstan
In Kazakhstan
2011 e-grocery was launched in Kazakhstan
2 cities
Almaty and Astana
growth year-over-year in 2019 and 2020
company run-rate
2022 was launched in Denver
SKUs available
current farm partners
investments raised
Devekopment GraphClimbing PineapplePineapple's Rope

Who gets things done?

Our online business is retail. Our team is a great match of seasoned entrepreneurs and professionals with 60+ years combined experience in online retail and grocery
Alex Lee photo
Alexey Lee
Chief Executive Officer

Tech entrepreneur, who previously built 2 e-commerce startups, ran them into the largest players in their respective fields (Ticketon and Aviata). He became the deal originator for the merger of 2 largest OTAs in Kazakhstan, and later sold his shares to the second part. He chose carefully which company could be his next big thing, that's how PineMelon has started.

Alexey loves reading books, riding a bike and raising his two daughters.

Ruslan Pogorelov Photo
​Ruslan Pogorelov
Vice-President Operations

Before joining as its first CEO in 2018 Ruslan had more than 15 years of managerial experience as a CEO and top manager of leading insurance companies, commercial and investment banks in Kazakhstan. As a VP of PineMelon Ruslan is responsible for support and coordination of international teams and operations.

Ruslan graduated from University of Reading (England) in 2001 with MA degree in banking.

​Loves mountain hiking and road bike racing.


Wow! We are in the press

34 appearances so far. And more on the way